Thursday, October 22, 2015

Expectation vs Reality: Making A Cake

I love baking cakes, and not always- but about a handful of times- my cakes don't look as I planned for them to look because they end up too flat, or to high, or to gooey in the middle, or the chocolate icing melts when i put it on because the cake was still to warm.
This is a fun post....
My expectations vs realities of making a cake.

1) What people say:
Expectation: "That cake looks amazing, can't wait to try it!"
Reality: "Normally your cakes taste nice, but today, they don't look very nice!" (My brother actually said that when the last time i made a cake- my cake is pictured above in the picture labelled "reality")

2) How the batter looks:
Expectation: Creamy, light, and smooth
Reality: Ugh! Why are there lumps?

3) When it is cooking:
Expectation: Tidy up the kitchen and be tidy by the time cake is done
Reality: Watch some youtube, the mess can wait... or get my brothers to help

4) The cake is out the oven:
Expectation: It looks amazing, and smells delicious
Reality: Why is it soo flat? There is a big "dent" in the middle!

5) Decorating:
Expectation: I will make it really colourful and cover with sprinkles.
Reality: All the sprinkes dumped in the middle and icing all lumpy

6) Tidying up the kitchen:
Expectation: My brothers will help and tell me how nice my cake looks
Reality: My brothers won't help and complain that my cakes does not look that nice

7) Waiting to eat the cake:
Expectation: Wait for tea and share it with my family
Reality: Help myself and then my brothers help themesleves... and hardly any cake left

Ok... this does not always happen, like i wrote here but sometimes its pretty close
What happens when you bake?
Is it like this or does it go well, and does your creation look as good as they do in google images.
Comment below??!!

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