Sunday, November 1, 2015

Being A Teen Girl: Bullying

                                                               Being A Teen Girl:

Hello Readers,

This is the first post of the "Being A Teen Girl" series and we will be starting this series with the topic Bullying.

To start this off, I asked some teen girls about bullying and here is some advice and comments they gave back to me on this topic:
  •  It's best to show the bully you're not getting affected by their words or actions, and speaking up is always the right thing to do.
  • Tell a trusted adult, if you are being bullied. I know that sounds cliche but I've been through bullying and telling an adult you trust can really help.
  • I was bullied and it was really hard, but the best thing to do is to speak and let someone you trust about your problem.
  • Don't be shy... tell someone!
  • Try standing up for yourself. Tell a teacher. Go to your school director. Tell your parents.
So, hopefully that helped you a bit with what to do...
And now, I some teen girls stories and comments about being bullied at school.

  • Girl "1" said: If they dare touch you don't hold back,I mean it. Even if they look stronger than you just dont let them step on you.Only God is above everyone,and only Him is stronger than anyone.Thats why you should never be scared of anyone.Seek peace and respect but NEVER let anyone make you think youre worthless.Because God made you,and He doesnt make mistakes. This might sound religious and stuff but it's the reality everyone should face.
  • Girl "2" said:Thing was, I was bullied pretty badly in fourth grade, and I got really fed up with the bully and told the principal. Sadly she just told me "Ignoring will help him go away." which never works. I kept telling her that but refused to believe me. Sadly, she also supported the bully (Because the bully's mom would actually make excuses that he was having a bad day or something. He still terrorizes the only high school in town as of today.)
  • Girl "3" said:I was bullied by this girl at my school. I was too scared to tell an adult so I just dealt with it. Once I punched her, but of course this didn't make anything better and she told the teacher. I think if you are being bullied you should tell your teacher or a parent and not try to sort  the problem out yourself...especially by fighting.
Leave a comment below telling us if you have ever been bullied and what you did about it.
Next week, I will be giving some more tips about how to stop being bullied, and the week after that I will be telling you about my "Bullying Story".

So... the topic of bullying will be up for a month.
Hope you enjoy the posts, and comment below your questions or advice... too!!!

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